ALL THE POWER : Revolution Without Illusion


Engelsk text, 244 sidor.

An ambitious, accessible mix of history, autobiography, and how-to manual, this anti-manifesto challenges popular concepts of radical activism. A whirlwind tour across decades – through punk and student activism, identity and lifestyle politics, animal rights, armed struggle, patriotism, globalisation and beyond – this book seeks a radicalism that is both rigorously self-critical and genuinely populist. All the Power suggests how the seemingly most idealistic of enterprises – revolution – might be practically accomplished.

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Engelsk text, 244 sidor.

An ambitious, accessible mix of history, autobiography, and how-to manual, this anti-manifesto challenges popular concepts of radical activism. A whirlwind tour across decades – through punk and student activism, identity and lifestyle politics, animal rights, armed struggle, patriotism, globalisation and beyond – this book seeks a radicalism that is both rigorously self-critical and genuinely populist. All the Power suggests how the seemingly most idealistic of enterprises – revolution – might be practically accomplished.