Ready for Revolution – The CNT Defense Committees in Barcelona, 1933–1938

Av Agustín Guillamón


Språk: Engelska

The Spanish Revolution wasn’t spontaneous. The clandestine armed wing of the anarchist workers’ movement became the building block and rampart in the fight against fascism, church, and state. Tensions and betrayals on the streets of Barcelona were more complex than simple narratives suggest, and Ready for Revolution places readers in the middle of the fray.

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Språk: Engelska

The Spanish Revolution wasn’t spontaneous. The clandestine armed wing of the anarchist workers’ movement became the building block and rampart in the fight against fascism, church, and state. Tensions and betrayals on the streets of Barcelona were more complex than simple narratives suggest, and Ready for Revolution places readers in the middle of the fray.

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Agustín Guillamón